The verdict was appealed by the Union to the Massachusetts Appeals Court on December 31, 2018. Attorney Connly personally represented the client during the appeal process, rather than have her hire an appellate attorney. He knew the case and the client trusted him. Extensive legal briefs were filed by both sides.
On March 17, 2020, the attorneys for the parties participated in appellate arguments before three justices of the Massachusetts Appeals Court. Once again, the Union sought to have the jury’s verdict finding national origin discrimination and the amount of the verdict overturned. Attorney Connly argued that the evidence supported the finding of discrimination and that the monetary award for emotional distress was not excessive.
On August 4, 2020, a decision came down from the Massachusetts Appeals Court. The Appeals Court upheld the Superior Court judgment. Further, the Appeals Court awarded attorney’s fees in the Appeals Court case in the amount of $27,355.00. Post-judgment interest that accrued during the appeal was also added. The total amount of money owed to the client was now in excess of a million dollars.
The Union did not seek a further appeal and finally, the case was over. On November 24, 2020, the Union paid to the client the amount of $1,006,330.03.
This case that was handled by Attorney Greg Connly of DOLAN CONNLY, P.C. went from one on the verge of dismissal, to one in which there was a recovery in excess of a million dollars. No settlement offer had ever been made by the Union prior to the Superior Court trial.
More valuable than money was the fact that the client finally had an opportunity to have her story heard and believed.
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